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What is hypnobirthing?

In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves – Myla and Jon Kabatt-Zinn

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is sourcing the confidence and trust to birth without fear, it is a philosophy and a mindset that encompasses a deep belief that your birth will be simple, beautiful, gentle, and calm, whatever lead your birth journey takes.

Where did Hypnobirthing start?

In the 1950’s and 1960’s women in the US and UK became more aware of the problems and issues associated with intervention during labour, the negative physical and emotional affects on them and their babies, and the fact that they were less able to take a role in their own birth. There was a shift of power over our own labour, to that of the healthcare provider. Early pioneers of natural childbirth – Dick-Read (1943), Karmal (1959), Lamaze (1970), Laboyer (1975), Bradley (1978) developed programs for women that included relaxation, patterned breathing techniques, hypnosis and water immersion.

Hypnobirthing heavyweights such as Marie Mongan who pioneered the original hypnobirthing school - The Hypnobirthing Institute - developed programs that have been taught internationally to great success, inspiring thousands and thousands of women towards easier, and more beautiful births. Myself included.

The SIMPLE Hypnobirthing Method

The SIMPLE Hypnobirthing method is inspired by Marie Mongan and The HypnoBirthing Institute, but also by extensive research and training in pregnancy bodywork, massage, yoga and mindfulness. It is also inspired by midwives and obstetricians, the hospital environment where our clients birth, the zeitgeist of modern birthing attitudes, the maternity paperwork of the government, the incentives of Better Birthing and most importantly by the outcomes of our 1000’s of Hypnobirthing couples, and pregnancy and baby yoga mums that we have worked with over the last eleven years.

Our Hypnobirthing teaching is inspired by all of this, and is ‘The SIMPLE Hypnobirthing Method’.

Our aim at ZenMuma is to assist to make sure babies have the best start possible to this beautiful world they will live in.

How does Hypnobirthing work?

Hypnobirthing is all about cultivating ‘The Big 3’ –

Endorphin – the body’s natural painkiller

Oxytocin – the birth hormone

Oxygen – the fuel of the uterus

To cultivate ‘The Big 3’ our SIMPLE hypnobirthing is based around the easy to remember acronym SIMPLE Birthing.

SIMPLE birthing stands for:

S – Self-hypnosis: deepening techniques, positive thinking, affirmations, visualisation

I – Intuition: tuning in, listening and believing

M – Mindfulness: breathing, progressive relaxation, soft muscles, soft jaw, soft gaze

P – Preparation for birth: places to birth, birth props, birth preferences and birth positions of choice

L – Loyal birth partners: The Birth Protectors! Whether it’s a husband, sister, mother or best friend.

E – Endorphins: how to promote and keep the bodies natural painkiller

Hypnobirthing is about using particular tools and techniques to promote ‘The Big 3’ so that mum and birth

partner feel absolutely prepared and ready to birth their baby simply, without fear, with calm excitement and a sense of empowerment and joy.

JOIN US and come to our hypnobirthing classes or even train to be a hypnobirthing practitioner!



Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear – Jane Weideman