ZenMuma Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy Yoga and baby yoga Teacher Training package

To enrol simply pay a deposit or full price today. If you would like to discuss a monthly payment plan contact us directly hello@zenmuma.co.uk
In times of covid restrictions we will be teaching all courses on ZOOM

135-Hour Training.

Combines 45-hour Hypnobirthing course + 45-hour Pregnancy Yoga + 45-hour Baby Yoga course. £2100

The Training

Be a part of your clients entire pregnancy and birth journey. Guide them through their pregnancy with ZenMuma pregnancy yoga classes, giving them a space to learn, grow and appreciate their body. Then, teach them the essentials of self-hypnosis and breath in Hypnobirthing classes, including their partners in the process so they can play an active role in the birth, leaving them with fond memories of one of the most incredible days of their lives. Once the baby is born, continue your journey with the mothers you've been teaching, by giving fun, informative and safe baby yoga classes, with some added pre-natal yoga, and baby massage too. This package of courses will allow you to be part of your client's new, eagerly anticipated path into motherhood. 

This course includes both Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy Yoga and Baby Yoga 3 x 45 hour CPD courses. This is 72 contact and 63 home-learning hours - 135 hours in total. 

This package of courses is everything you need in order to change your career, or develop your existing one. You don't need any previous experience or training in birthing or healthcare in order to undertake our ZenMuma Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy Yoga and Baby yoga teacher training courses. Simply undertake our courses, and start a rewarding career teaching Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy Yoga and Baby Yoga straight away. 

In all cases, and for all courses and packages, Jackie does offer a payment instalment scheme. You will need to contact her directly to discuss this option. If you're interested in enrolling, please pay a deposit to secure your place on your desired course. 



  • Professional Certification

  • Lesson plans for pregnancy and baby yoga classes and full hypnobirthing scripts needed to get you started.

  • One Pregnancy Yoga or Baby Yoga film to give as a free gift to all your clients

  • A downloadable 140+ page training manual for each training, so you have the support you need to develop your classes

  • The ZenMuma stamp of approval logo and selected photographs to use

  • Free access to our ZenMuma Newsletter

  • Free access to our ZenMuma Practitioner Facebook Support Group

  • An invitation to our annual ‘Nourish Your ZenMuma’ Conference, when we gather to support you with inspirational guest speakers, yoga workshops, advisors, influencers, and great nutritious food

Please note: all payments are non-refundable and all dates are non-transferable.