Pregnancy yoga- what are the benefits?

Pregnancy Yoga benefits both Mum and Baby, and helps to prepare you for the birth.

“The birth process often becomes an extension of the yoga practice”



so,What are the benefits of pregnancy yoga?

Attending a regular yoga class can be a great way to network with other mums-to-be. It can be reassuring to connect with women, especially in pregnancy when we may be feeling a little anxious, and unsure. Being in an environment when everyone is going through the same thing, and where you are connecting not just with yourself, but with others too, learning about what your bodies are going through, and how to support that in a holistic, safe and nurturing way, can be incredibly empowering.

The regular practice of Asanas (postures), can help with symptoms of common pregnancy issues such as PGP, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica and swelling of the limbs. It can bring great relief to women to learn simple techniques to help ease these discomforts, but in a safe and effective way, which they are even able to practice in the the comfort of their own home. Asanas in pregnancy yoga can focus on “opening up” areas of the body to allow for more space for the growing baby and belly. Optimum birthing positions are also incorporated so the mother can experiment and get a feel of her options for what may come in handy on the birthing day. Certain movements and asanas are also great for encouraging baby to get into an optimum position for birth.


‘Pranayama’, is the conscious awareness and control of breath in yoga. A variety of pranayama techniques are used by women to help them to manage the challenges that labour can bring. There is an incredibly large amount of benefits to deep breathing during labour, including; it promotes relaxation between contractions, it sends more oxygen to the uterus and baby, and it has a natural analgesic effect. By practising this early on, we are laying the foundations for good pain management in labour, and also it’s a fantastic way to help the mother to feel calm and relaxed and help alleviate any stress and worries she may have, in-turn, having a calming and positive effect on baby!

ZenMuma pregnancy yoga…

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ZenMuma pre-natal yoga classes are gentle and safe for all pregnant women, from 14 weeks until birth.  It is suitable for all women, whatever their yogic experience - in fact you don't have to have any yoga experience at all.  Just come and enjoy the benefits of all that yoga has to offer.

In our classes you can enjoy all the traditional yogic areas of Pranayama, Asanas, Shavasana and Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation techniques), but in a way that is accessible, ‘non-scary’, easy to follow, authentic, and safe for you and your changing body and growing baby.

What does it involve?

Each week is focused on an aspect of pregnancy and birth – from the physiological of helping pelvic pain, rib flare, cramps, to the preparatory for a better, easier, more active birth.

We include pranayama (breathing), circle time (this is where you get to pick up loads of info about the pregnancy journey, health hints and tips), Asanas (postures), which are adjusted to your particular needs regarding on your trimester, stage, or special circumstances, and they usually finish with Shavasana and YogaNidra (deep relaxation) – a well-deserved time of relaxation and self-nurture. . We’ve found that our ZenMuma groups usually end up meeting independently when on maternity leave, and once baby is born – and often you can make a couple of friends for life.  Who knows who may be on the mat next to you…

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ZenMuma pregnancy yoga is more than just a yoga class…

Because of Jackie’s expertise and training in pregnancy massage and anatomy, HypnoBirthing, self-hypnosis, childbirth education, relaxation and stress management, you get a lot more than just a pregnancy yoga class. Jackie has poured all her knowledge and passion into her ZenMuma pregnancy yoga teacher course material and this is then projected through all the newly-qualified teachers who eventually go on to create their own pregnancy yoga businesses. With ZenMuma classes you will learn loads along the way, from your pregnant friends in the group, and from your own body and baby about what it means to be pregnant, about how to give birth (and maybe even enjoy it!) and about bringing up baby alongside others who will also muddle through motherhood, women, supporting women, realising we are all going through the same, just in different ways.

“Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be”

Carrie Fisher

The beginning of a journey....

Founder Jackie Heffer-Cooke started her own personal love affair with yoga when she was pregnant with her baby Sam.

“I remember the first day of walking into pregnancy yoga, feeling apprehensive at trying something new at a time full of new beginnings. I had tried yoga before but found it a little intimidating, but in this class was a great mix of women, all from different yogic background, and lots of beginners just like me. 10 years later I’m a yogi addict as it helps me keep in shape, boost my strength and keep up with my energetic kids! It also gives me more; a place I have learnt to live from where I can stop and pause, before reacting. To breathe and deal with the craziness of life: school runs, clubs, work schedules, dinner making, the endless washing, hectic social lives and relationships.  Be warned, this class just may change your life…”


Our ZenMuma pregnancy yoga teachers

Our ZenMuma tribe is constantly growing and we are so proud and grateful to have some wonderful and passionate women to help share the ZenMuma love!

If you would like to see who’s offering classes in your area, then have a look here.

You can even book private pregnancy yoga classes with ZenMuma founder Jackie herself. More info here.

Are you interested in teaching your own pregnancy yoga classes? Find out when our next courses are coming up :)

If you are at all concerned about whether pregnancy yoga is appropriate for you, or if you have any health issues, please speak to your GP/ Midwife about starting.


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