Pre-covid days… sigh… We may not be able to hold community like this at the moment, but we can help hold your space online in your homes #allinthistogether #stayzenmuma #zenmumatribe
All In This Together!
National online family health and wellbeing company ZenMuma provides free mental and physical health support for pregnant women, birthing women, new mums and home-schooling mums.
Pregnant women, birthing women, new mums and home-schooling mums have a series of extra challenges to face during this pandemic. Having a lockdown baby can be tough, with lack of community support not just from maternity and healthcare services, but also from family and friends. Home-schooling can get intense with pressure on children to sit at the table for long periods of time without much ‘light-relief’.
ZenMuma & ZenKids is a national company of practitioners led by teachers, yoga teachers, hypnobirthing instructors and wellbeing experts. They are also all mums. Founder Jackie Heffer-Cooke explains that they felt they should do something to support mums during this challenging time.
Jackie sayas, “this last week a feeling of needing to help mums has been brewing. We had a ZenMuma team meeting and we all decided we want to be of service. So we came up with the ZenMuma Tribe FaceBook group, a free group to join for women who need some free positive birthing advice, ideas for baby yoga and baby massage and some ideas for fun kids yoga and mindfulness for children who need to step away from their desk and take a breath. We are all mums ourselves, with babies, toddlers, school age children and teenagers so we know how mums feel, and what they need. Every week there will be a free yoga class for pregnant women, babies or children, and there will be lots of free blogs, articles and free Q&A advice from our professional team.
Bear in mind we are all mums, doing our best too, we don’t have professional studios to produce amazing films, but we are loaded with ideas, enthusiasm, support and advice, and we really want to reach out and help you hold your space”.
The ZenMuma and ZenKids practitioners are from around the country in Norfolk, Suffolk, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Somerset, Wiltshire and Greater Manchester.
The ZenMuma tribe officially launches Sunday 24th January, but you can sign up now.
Simply go to facebook and search for zenmuma tribe.