Learn to teach hypnobirthing
Zenmuma 3-day certification


We train aspiring women to become fully certified hypnobirthing teachers in order to create positive, empowering birthing experiences for pregnant people. 

Does it feel like you’re in an unrewarding, dead-end job?

Unappreciated at work, at the mercy of your employer in a job that bores you to tears or worse, leaves you feeling stressed out?

Or maybe you wish your job left you more time to enjoy the things you love?
It’s not too late to change path. You deserve a worthwhile career that you’ll love that fits your busy lifestyle.

Become a fully certified, self-employed hypnobirthing teacher in just 3 days with ZenMuma and start a rewarding career that you’ll love, empowering pregnant people and creating positive birthing experiences. 

Take control of your future career and happiness in just a few clicks by booking your spot on a ZenMuma training course today.


“Training was fun and definitely one of the best things I've ever done!”

Michelle Miller, ZenMuma Graduate.

become a certified hypnobirthing teacher in 3 simple steps:


Book your
spot today



Complete your
3-day certification



Start teaching with our ongoing support

Our next 3-day hypnobirthing course:

14th, 15th, 16th April 2020,

Nottingham at1.Space, Triumph Rd,

Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2GA




We train everyone from novice to midwife

If you are interested in helping others experience the positive, empowering benefits of hynobirthing, this course is for you.


  • Everything you need to empower your clients to have positive birthing experiences through hypnobirthing

  • The ZenMuma S.I.M.P.L.E. method - all the hypnobirthing theory, tools and techniques you need to teach

  • How to teach with confidence and ease

  • How to give best advice to your clients

  • How to start your own business and start earning a living as a hypnobirthing teacher


  • The complete downloadable 140+ page ZenMuma Hypnobirthing programme, so you have the support you need to teach your classes.

  • All scripts needed to teach your hypnobirthing classes.

  • Access to the S.I.M.P.L.E. hypnobirthing ebook.

  • 6 official S.I.M.P.L.E. Hypnobirthing MP3’s for all your hypnobirthing clients full support (total 5h30 running time).

  • Use of the ZenMuma logo and selected photographs.

  • Free access to our ZenMuma Practitioner Support Group.

  • An invitation to our annual ‘Nourish Your ZenMuma’ Conference, when we gather to support you with inspirational guest speakers, yoga workshops, advisors, influencers, and great nutritious food.



See how ZenMuma has changed the lives of our ZenMuma teachers.



Hypnobirthing Teacher Training - Day 1

1. Good Practice –

• Understanding the relationship with health care professionals.

• Considering what best advice and practice is.

• Distinguishing the key elements of ZenMuma Hypnobirthing and the S.I.M.P.L.E. method:

- S – Self-hypnosis: deepening techniques, positive thinking, affirmations, visualisations.

- I – Intuition: tuning in, listening and believing.

- M – Mindfulness: breathing, progressive relaxation, soft muscles, soft jaw, soft gaze.

- P – Preparation for birth: places to birth, birth props, birth preferences and birth positions of choice.

- L – Loyal birth partners: The Birth Protectors! Whether it’s a husband, sister, mother or best friend.

- E – Endorphins: how to promote and keep the bodies natural painkiller.

2. Teaching Methodology and Structure –

• An explanation of Hypnobirthing.

• Using your birthing hormones to the fullest effect.

• How to use your body in active birth.

• Most helpful massage techniques and why.

• What deepening levels of relaxation means and how to do it.

• How to use breathing techniques and visualisations to encourage the calmest and safest birth possible.


Hypnobirthing Teacher Training - Day 2

3. The Physiology and the Psychology –

Teaching both safely. A discovery into the depths of the amazing birthing body and mind and how we can make sure both work together to give the best birth possible.

4. Encouraging Better Births –

Understanding the balance of positive teaching when it comes to birthing. Being aware of special circumstances for birth and being mindful to teach inclusion.

5. Hypnobirthing philosophy, lifestyle, ethics and bringing the WOW to your class –

The importance of building a community in your class, and how to do it. Encouraging pregnant women and supporting dads-to-be to self-care. Encouraging a mindful pregnancy, birth and entrance into new parenting.


Hypnobirthing Teacher Training - Day 3

6. Getting Practical –

Observing a Hypnobirthing class. Teaching a segment.

7. Getting Started –

Learn what it takes to start your own business and how to do it from the ZenMuma team.

8. The Future –

Find your venue, download your manual, understand how professional liability insurance works, decide if you want to join the ZenMuma Family Hub and become a ZenMuma license holder, or if you want to start your own business, and get ready to teach!


become a certified hypnobirthing teacher in 3 simple steps:


Book your
spot today



Complete your
3-day certification



Start teaching with our ongoing support


To secure your place on this course please pay in full through our Shop or pay a £250 deposit today and the balance in instalments. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Please note: all payments are non-refundable and all dates are non-transferable.


Still unsure?

Book a free 15 minute telephone consultation with ZenMuma founder, Jackie Heffer-Cooke to discuss if this course is right for you.

Looking for a different date or location?

Speak to us and we’ll see what we can do to accommodate your needs.